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Sunday, December 12, 2010

Currently; Always be there.

Tengah bosan. So update aje lah. hee. Currently tgh lyn lagu2 Maher Zain. Sgt best ! Ini tak tipu oke. Ulang2 byk kali pun tak penah lagi la rasa jemu kn.

So far la kan, anin suka layan lagu Always be there. Korang penah lyn tak? Best weyh! Korang g ah google. Tak pun meh anin share ngan korang. nahhh. Always be there.

ahaa. A few days neh la kn. Rasa syok2 jer. hehe. Kira mcm have fun cket lah. marathon skyping uols. hohoho btw. thanks to digoxin la. u always be there. hahahaha.

Don't ask me who is digoxin. Tade mknanya i nk gtau uols oke. Secreto de amor. hahaha. tade kaitan. wee :)

P/s; just telling u the truth n it's up to u to believe me or not. simple as dat. :)

Luv ya! MmmwaaahhhxX!!


4 Lovers:

Cahaya Yang Riang Gembira said...

Wow.. Nama dia digoxin??? Dashyat.. Jantung degup degup.. Kikiki.. :p

Mr.J said...

dear.. lagu backgru=ound u ni buat i terharu... kembali kenangan silam i.. T_T..

Suai kenal dgn Fasha Sandha

cn said...


hehehe. incik digoxin. gerun kn dgn nama tuh. wawaaaaa

Mr. J;

hehehe. i suka dgr. tenang aje. btw. thanks yaw :)

Lucy S. said...

wow! digoxin?