Anin nk nyelit entry lagik.. agagaga.. Kali neh anin nk langsaikan utang tag dr kembar anin neh.. cik ALYN NOTNOT.. Da delay lagik tag kali neh.. huhukkk..
Double tag u noe.. huhu.. Anin selesaikan dlm stu post yer.. hee..
1st tag.. check
1- adakah anda rasa HOT ??
Camne nk gtau eh.. kdg2 jer kot.. agagaga =]
2- upload wallpaper pc/laptop yg anda guna sekarang !

3- cerita pasal gambar wallpaper itu.
Pix neh disnap time anin keletihan yg teramat.. tak sgka nmpk cun pulak.. ditambah dgt kesan edit2 bagai neh.. kecantekkan terserlah gitu.. agagaga.. tetttt.. =] okei2.. next!
4- Bila kali terakhir anda makan pizza?
Smlm.. tetttt.. tp i tetap hate piza okei.. =[
5- Lagu terakhir anda dengar?
" i spent my time juz thinking..thinking..thinking bout u.."- meet me halfway.. sbb tuh ringtone phne anin.. hee.. =]
6- apa yang anda buat selain menyelesaikan tag ini?
Alamakk.. Wat ape yer.. sbb neh entry oto publish sajerk.. ngeh3..
7- Selain nama sendiri, anda dipanggil dgn nama apa?
Byk weh.. Panggil jer lah pape pn.. agagaga..
8- Tag lagi 8 org.
~ messy
~ ardinihumaira
~ dex
~ Rinox
~ Maisyara
~ iQbal
~ ReD
~ carnationMYRA
Sorg yg spesialll.. agagaga =]
10- Katakan sesuatu mengenai org no 5.
Lama tak hapdet belog.. huhuhu
11- No 3 ada hubungan dgn siapa?
Alamakk.. tak dpt dikenalpasti pulak.. =[
12- Bagaimana pulak dgn no 4?
ak tau... Mr X aka tettt.. =]
13- Pesan kepada org no 6.
Tgh test ker? Bz semacam aje.. huhu
14- Kata2 cinta utk org no 2.
Dini.. I lap u so dem3 much.. mwaahhhh.. =.=
15- Adakah no 7 dan no 8 mempunyai persamaan?
Yup.. sbb dua2 perempuan =]
16- Berikan 5 yang anda tau tentang org yg mengetag anda.
~ Kembar anin..
~ Blogger yg kiut miut cam anin.. tettt.. =]
~ pakwe dia nme paAn.. ngeh3..
~ Rajin tol update belog..
~ Member on9 anin yg tersangat ler baek.. i lyke.. psstt.. jitra penang bkn jauh mana pn.. bila nk ngedate neh.. agagaga.. =]
17- persamaan antara KAMBING dan LEMBU?
dua2 neh lau masak rendang, sedap.. agagaga =]
18- Perasaan anda wat tag neh?
Bila laa nk abeh.. adoiii =]
19- GAY or LES ?
Dua2 pn buleh tp ai prefer neutral aje la.. agagaga =]
20- Nak kahwen bila? Nak anak brapa?
Bila da puas njoy n bila da smpai seru nk tawen.. **blushing.. n.. n.. nak anak 4! ngeh3.. =]
2nd TAG..
- 170cm tall.
- I don’t know what I want at the moment.
- I’m not happy.
- I hate my friends.
- I hate my life.
- I hate my grades.
- I can drive.
- I’m bored of driving.
- I have a white handbag.
- I love dancing.
- I go clubbing every week.
- Shopping is bullshit.
- I have a tattoo of a star.
- I got my navel pierced.
- I have friends that take drugs.
- 90% of my friends smoke.
- I still hang out with my ex, even though our break up was rather nasty.
- I’m studying Fashion.
- I have a business running.
- I hate cartoons
- I hate someone.
- I have 10 Lollipops handbags.
- I buy CLEO every month.
- My parents don’t know about my blog.
- I have an iPod.
- I don’t have faith in the current “one”.
- My school mates know about my blog.
- I wanted to be a fashion designer.
- I love rock emo bands.
- I hate it when people cancel last minute meet ups.
- I’m a rebel.
- I don’t believe in love.
- High school's filled with drama.
- My parents have faith in me.
- I’ve bought shoes this month.
- A blogger bitched about me before.
- I hate sports.
- I heart Italian food.
- I hate meeting new people.
- I hate nail polish.
- The mother bear gives me hugs.
- People should start appreciating me.
- High school was the worst time of my life.
- I have red hair.
- One Utama is my second home.
- I’m a guy.
- I’m scared of my Biology result exam which I’m going to face someday tomorrow.
- I hate vacations.
- We’ll last :)
- I believe in long distance relationships. !!
- I’m going to get high and smoke weed one day soon.
- I’ve robbed an old lady.
- I’m starting to like applying make-up.
- I was a tomboy.
- At times I think I still am a tomboy.
- I love bitching about people behind their backs
- I still have a best friend.
- I have a cat.
- I hate surprise parties.
- I hate planning parties.
- I’m hot. :P..
- I’m a sinner.
- I’ve got a DS light.
- I have a Wii.
- I cant live without music.
- Video games are a waste of time.
- I miss the father bear.
- I love being in love.
- I know how to cook.
- I have 100% freedom.
- Boys are assholes.
- I hate Math.
- I’m happy with what I have
- I love horror films.
- I slept in my parents’ room for 3 days after watching Scream when I was a kid.
- My old friends keep in touch with me.
- I don’t read newspapers.
- The news is such a waste of time.
- Blogging is a waste of time.
- I hate animals.
- I can’t live without make-up.
- I curse like a pirate.
- I’m happy with my 11 year old car.
- I hate people that are smart.
- I love Orange juice.
- I can’t drink for nuts.
- I believe that everyone in their teens have lost their virginity.
- I’ve got a new phone.
- I’m going to get a new pair of shoes by the end of this month.
- I love swimming
- I haven’t worked out since March.
- I think I’m fat
- I love my friends and family
Sory yunk.. Lmbt selesaikan.. Quite bz rite now.. huhu..