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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I'm turning to 20 rite now..weee

Wallaahhh.. Rasa cm cepat jer masa bejalan kan.. Today, 21st September, anin da masok 20 taon.. tua suda.. Tapi tak la tua sgt pn kan.. heee..

Realli appreciate tuk sape2 yg wish burfday kt anin smlm.. Luv u guys ! N him oso ! agagagaga.. Gila besh wish taon neh.. Superduperdabooommm lah!
Happy burfday to me ! weee =)

Luv ya! MmmwaaahhhxX!!


Saturday, September 18, 2010

ANON ckp... =)

Ngeee.. thanx anon.. Sbb ko kasi idea ak nk update blog ari neh.. Kalo tak mmg ak kering idea nk update weyy.. hahaha..

ANON ckp entry ak suma ak pki bhsa rojak.. ROSAK. Haishhh cik anon neh.. Da nama pn prsonal blog, xkn la ko expect ak nak taip suma pnjg2, guna bahasa baku.. Ap la ko neh..

Lgpun yg ko nk sebok2 apehal der.. Ak ad kaco ko kt mna2 ker? Tp tak kesah la anon.. Ko komen la byk2.. Naek cket trafik blog ak neh.. Watsoeva lah yerrr.. hahahaha.. opssss.. bhsa rojak lagi neh.. Ko meh mara ak cpt.. heeee..

Kalo ko tanak blog tuh guna bhsa rojak, ko g la intai blog2 yg serious tuh.. Yg tuh mmg takde bhsa rojakk.. Sesuai la ngan jiwa ko yg sentiasa tapaham tuh.. ngeee.. peace yaww!

P/s; sblom taip pkir dulu coz i noe who u r.. =)

Luv ya! MmmwaaahhhxX!!


Friday, September 17, 2010

Haishhh..ggrrr ~!!

Currently; tgh tgok citer los & faun..

Kebuhsanan la weyy.. Tatao nak wtpe skrg.. Ari2 tgok pesbuk pn boring jugak.. Ap nak wat eh.. urm..

Skrg neh.. Anin rasa cm suma da tunggang tebalik lah! Dunno why.. Ap la yg jd skrg neh.. Adoiii.. Kdg tuh rasa cm nk tinggal jep suma yg bg serabot kepala hotak neh.. hahaha.. tapi taleh laa..

Harap2 lah suma neh setel cepat cket.. Nak jd macam dulu balek.. Tak sggup da nk pnjg2 suma neh.. Tak tetanggung da dlm aty.. huhuhu..

untuk kamu; jgn smpai sy ckp bnda yg sy tanak ckp.. take note !

oke lah uols.. nk smbung tgok citer neh balek.. chow !

Luv ya! MmmwaaahhhxX!!


Org laen pun bercinta jugak, tak la msg 24jam

Nak hapdet jugak mlm2 neh.. Tak kira.. hahahaha.. Iklan sebentar..

"Oh geli2.. Kembalilah kau kepangkuanku.. ak suda setia menantimu.. hanya kamu sorg.. oh geli2.. ak berjanji.. hanya kau peneman setia belog ku ini.. tidak ku berani menduatigakanmu lagi.. oh geli2.. aimishu!!"

Oke.. Back to da topic.. Agak kejam oke ayat itu.. Mmg la org len pn becinta tp msg2 tuh biasa la der.. Takkan nk msg boy sendiri pn taleh.. Ape kes bai?!

First of all, ini bukan situasi ak oke.. Jgn ad yg gatai kaki mai tnya ak itu ini plak.. Ak tampaq laju2 t..

Selalunya kan wey, laki yg akn ckp ayat cm tuh kat awek dorg.. Kononnya kita neh tak matang, mcm bdk2 or watsoeva la kan.. Tp kalo korg alert la kn, mula2 nk kapel neh, sape yg paling byk msg??? Dorg kan? N dorg jgk yg ajar kita msg 24jam kan?? haaa.. So kat cni, secara rasminya dorg yg slh sbb wat kita jd mcm BUDAK2 neh..

Oke.. itu hal umum laah.. Tp si awek neh plak.. Kena la jd understanding cket.. Kalo si pakwe tuh keje 12jam sehari, korg paham2 la wey.. Dorg penat thp cipanzi da tuh.. Cnfrm2 dorg ingat bantal busuk je.. Jgn mimpi ler dorg nk ingat korg..

Org yg da bekerja neh, tak pentingkan sgt msg2 neh.. Sbb bg dorg, msg neh suma time bdk2 dulu bole la.. Tp anin ttp membantah spekulasi mcm tuh.. Sbbnya.. Si awek ttp ada hak kalo nk msg si pakwe 24jam sehari.. Kalo tak thn, p cari len.. syuh2..!

P/s; gelong sebentar..mud berputar 180 darjah..~!! weee =)

Luv ya! MmmwaaahhhxX!!


Thursday, September 16, 2010

Sangat heart dgn lagu ini..

Juz nak share2 ngan korg about dis song lah! Ekceli da lama anin lyn lagu neh.. Dgr lagu neh, anin ingat dkt sumone.. urm2..

Skrg neh baru ler anin ad masa nk share lagu neh ngan korg suma.. Anin tak psti sama ad lagu neh lagu baru or tak..

"Love Me, Leave Me"

The very first day of my life
Was the day that you let me go
(It was a blessing in disguise)
Now I see that I'm beautiful
Cause all we ever did was fight
We were so dysfunctional
Now I forgotten all the times
And all the days that I was loving you.

Just like a ghost from my past (he's come back to haunt me)
Saying that you want me back (but that's impossible so...)

If you love me, leave me
'cause I've already closed that door
Don't want to be
In the pain I felt before
If I only could be myself
Without your approval anymore
(if you love me leave me)
If you love me leave me alone

Now there used to be a time

(I would've taken you back again)
(Now I got you out of my mind)
Now I'm totally independent
So you can save your little lies
'cause I know what's happenin'
You're missin' me but say goodbye now
To all the days I was lovin' you



If you really wanna help
Than you should go
'cause I promised myself
I'd make it alone
At the back of the shelf
'cause where I put what we had
I'll never going back, no

[Chorus x2]

p/s; layan sahaja..
mud upside down... =(

Luv ya! MmmwaaahhhxX!!



Haila2.. Ari neh rasa tgn neh gatai jep nk menaip bagai.. First of all lah, anin nk ucapkan.. SELAMAT HARI MALAYSIA 2 ALL MALAYSIAN!!

Urm2.. Raya taon neh la kan, anin rasa mcm takde ummphh je laa.. Mcm2 mslh jd.. N skrg pn baru nak beransur oke.. Tatao la apa tak kena skrg neh..

2 'him' lah.. Tension ak dgn hg neh.. Kalo ad dgn ak skrg neh, mmg da lama ak tampaq hg laju2 pakai KAKI ! amek kaww !

Pasal keje anin plak, dgn secara rasminya.. Anin umumkan.... Anin da RESIGN.. Sebab apa?? Main reason.. Ada 'pacik' neh soh benti.. sebok jep.. haishhh ! N other reason.. Tak thn la weh.. Bos mati2 tamo amek staff baru.. Anin sorg kena wat suma keja.. Receptionist pn da jd keja anin.. Ap kes?!

So skrg neh anin bole da la nk merajinkan diri meng'update blog yg sekangkang kera neh.. Sian readers anin.. Asyik masok jer, jumpa entry lama.. Sori okaiii =)

Oke lah uols.. Nk lunch dulu.. Pahtu ad idea, anin update laen oke.. Muahhxxx!

Luv ya! MmmwaaahhhxX!!


Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Update hanya kerana INI.. weeee =)

Juz short update saje shygs2 suma.. Hohoho.. Ekceli anin juz nk tlg pomot dis lil blogshop lah..


Sila2 la support oke.. al-maklumlahh.. Hobi baru.. ngeee.. Itu saje kot anin nak hapdet skrg.. Bz maa.. Btw..
Tak telambat lagi kan anin nk ucapkan SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIFDILFITRI.. MAAF ZAHIR DAN BATIN tuk suma terutamanya FOLLOWER2 anin n suma umat Islam.. =)
P/s; lately neh anin penin gilaa..
a lots of problems keep on coming n coming..huhuhu =(

Luv ya! MmmwaaahhhxX!!
