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Saturday, August 22, 2009

Penat giler tapi besh..!

Ri neh ari pertama pose kan.. Hee.. Pg td anin bangun sahur kul 4.. Mcm lmbt je.. Hee.. Sbb taun2 sblum neh bgun kul 3.30.. Ap2 pn rasa bersemangat giler nk bgun.. Mama gerak skali jer, terus terpacak bgun.. Haha! Pas2 neh, konpom liat nk bgun.. Hee.. Pas2 sahur, anin terus pengsan..!! Haha! Ngantok sih! Smpai mah b msg pn me tak sedar.. Mmg pengsan terus.. Kahkahkah!

Ri neh gak ari anin tlg2 kt bazar ramadan.. Mcm taun2 sblumnya la.. Cuma kekok cket mula2.. Hee.. Pasti da laju wt keje.. Tak ramai yg stat niaga ri neh.. Maybe ari neh oliday kot.. Anin pn tak smpat nk round2 stu bazar td.. Cbuk giler..

Mcm anin kata sblum neh la.. Stat je bln pose, anin mmg akan jarang un9.. Neh pn un9 jap jer.. Sbb tgh tggu turn nk pkai dapor.. Mklumlah bln pose neh anin jd pengusaha karipap n kek batek yg berjaya! Kahkahkah! [ gelak jaat.. ]

Oke la uols.. Nk upline daa.. Mawu beperang di dapor.. T anin ade masa anin hapdet lagi key! Jgn lupa rindu2 anin tau.. Hee.. Muahx!!

Me takde kesempatan lgsg nk msg2 ngan mah b today.. Cbuk giler!! Dari pg smpai la ke mlm.. huhu.. tingtong mis2 kamoo larh..!! muahxX!!
Luv ya! MuahxX!!


Friday, August 21, 2009

I hate u!

Waaargghh!! Yes! I hate u! Hate u damn much! Oh tidakkk!! Anin sungguh tak suka!! Owh benci!! Nyampah!!

Anin baru je suda berkungfu ngan bawang2 di dapor.. Uwaaa.. Dr dolu lg anin tak ske bawang! Anin terpaksa kerat smua bawang2 tu tuk esok! Nk wt karipap la kononnye neh! Sebijik bawang anin amek masa 5 minit nk cincang!! [ eh.. cincang ke..? wateva.. hee.. ]

Nanges wep kerat bawang2 neh.. Org tua2 kata, spe yg nanges bila kopek bawang, mknanye dia neh kuat jeles.. Ye ke..? Anin jenis yg tak jeles eh.. Hee.. Ape2 pn......

I tak ske u! Menchik!!! Waaa.. Sbln kena wt neh.. Omaigoshhh!!


Luv ya! MuahxX!!


Thursday, August 20, 2009

Salam Ramadhan..

[ amek sorg satu keyh..! ]

Salam uols.. Waa.. Bln Ramadhan bakal menyusul lg 2,3 ari.. Bestnye.. Hyepp! Yg tinggal2 pose dah ganti ke blom neh..? Hee..

Di kesempatan neh anin nk ucapkan selamat menyam
but bulan Ramadhan al-mubarak.. Smoga bln ini kita akan memperoleh segala kebaikan dan hidayah daripada Allah SWT..

**tgok tb td.. Puasa jatuh ari sabtu.. Hee.. Adkh kita berpuasa hnya 29 ari..? Hee..

Munculnya bln Ramadhan neh, anin pn akan jarang u
n9 eh.. Bz cket.. Huhu.. Jgn lupa rindu2an yerk.. Hee.. Sygs kamoo smua..!

Mata kadang salah melihat....
Mulut kadang salah berucap....
Hati kadang salah menduga.....
Maafkan segala kekhilafan yang pasti ada....
MARHABAN YAA RAMADHAN Marhaban ya Ramadhan,
Bulan dimana nafas kita menjadi tasbih, tidur kita menjadi ibadah, amal kita diterima dan do'a kita di ijabah,

Sungguh cantik kain plekat, dipakai orang pergi ke pekan.
Puasa Ramadhan semakin dekat, silap dan salah mohon dimaafkan

Berharap padi dalam lesung, yang ada cuma rumpun jerami,

harapan hati bertatap langsung, cuma terlayang e-mail ini.

Sebelum cahaya surga padam, Sebelum hidup berakhir,
Sebelum pintu taubat tertutup, Sebelum Ramadhan datang,
saya mohon maaf zahir dan batin..


Yg neh dari [ cik aien ].. Chumel2.. Hee..


Yg neh lak dari [ cik lya ].. thanx yeah..!

Luv ya! MuahxX!!


Tag by [ cik MikkO ]

Salam uols.. Yippi2.. Di ptg yg mulia ini anin ingin mengucapkan..... Hyep!! Oke2.. Seyes neh.. Hee.. Ri neh anin dapat tag dr my lovely blogger.. [ cik mikkOchan ] Jom kita tgok dia kasi ape.. Hee..

Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write answers to the questions and DON'T LIE. At the end, choose 20 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.

1. Would you get back with your last ex if u could?
me..?? tanakkkk.. Dont u ever2 dare to think bout it!!!

2. What color shirt are you wearing?

me in pink shirt.. pink is sweet meh..? Hee..

3. Would you kiss anyone on your friend list?
of coz i am.. mmuuahhhxXX!! to all gurlzz only.. hee..

4. Do you have a "THING" for someone on your friends list?
yeah.. ekspeceli to mah lurvely frenz..

5. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life?

none but will meet caya after dis.. winks to u..

6. How many kids do you want to have?
2 gurlz n 2 boyz.. it is enaf b..? winks to u..

7. Do you have a good relationship with your parent?
yeah.. absolutely.. ekspeceli wif my mom! luv u!

8. What name would you want besides the one you have?
dont want! my name is such a sweet name.. like me.. hee..

9. Would you ever make out with someone of the same sex?
oh no! i love mah b keyh! n not girl! lalala~

10. What did you do for your last birthday?

nothing! so sad! But dis year will be a special besday rite b..? winks2 again..

11. What's your main ringtone on your phone?
p dd ft keyshia cole-last nite.. [ coz mah sony still in icu.. waarghh! ]

12. What time did you wake up today?
wanna make dis as a secret.. Can? oh! i dun care..! hee..

13. What were you doing 2 nights ago?
calling wif mah b..

14. Do you like having your hair pulled?
yes if i pulled ur hair too! muahahaha!

15. Name something you can't wait to do.
celebrate mah besday wif mah b.. muahhX!

16. Last time you saw your mom.
before she go out..

17. What is one thing you wish you could change about yourself?
negative thinking! really hate it!

18. If you had $250 000, what would you do with it?

would u marry me incik kecHiX..? gatal hee..

19. How long have you worked at your current job?

grape farmer can ? Hee..

20. Have you ever talked to TOM?
tom?? tom myspace?? tom2 bak? hee..

21. Describe the UNDERWEAR you have one.
euuwww.. must describe meh..? don want larh! Hee..

22. Last thing you ate it?
nasi goreng.. nyummy!!

23. What's your FAVORITE month?
september [ mah besday ]
march [ him ]
june [ our ]

24. Your least FAVORITE month?
december [ month of fighting ]

25. What's the last piece of clothing someone borrowed from you?
mah red stripes shirt.. waa.. juz wearing it only once.. so sad..

26. Who is getting on your nerves now?

owez mah b... mah chenta aty..

27. Most Visited WEBPAGE?
[ coReT2 cikMATA ]
[ myspace ]
[ The Eyes Of Princess Redbloodsnow ]
owez updated blog
[ YnaaOhYnaa ] owez updated blog

28. Last person you text messaged?

mah b.. muahxX!

29. Last person to make you mad?
not dat gurl! juz being cool.. hee..

30. Would you take a bullet for your best friend?
muahxX them damn much!

31. Favourite kind of drinks?
sky juice
syrup.. nyum2..

32. Favourite food?

da nanges food! Hee.. ofcoz da spicy maa..

33. Favourite dessert?
mah kek batek.. hee..

34. Have you been to EUROPE?
far away.. Wanna take me there? hee.. nope!

35. If someone you hate died, what would you do?
inalillah wa inna ilaihi raji'un


[ cik caya ]
[ cik myra ]
[ cik epa ]
[ cik mawar ]

N.. N.. all of u!! MuahxX!!
Luv ya! MuahxX!!


Monday, August 17, 2009


Salam uols.. Yippi..! Yes!! Finally ari neh mama da stat masa msakan pedas2.. Menu ari neh mama masak pajeri nenas dgn smbal ikan termenung.. Walaweh!! Even tak brape nk pds smbal tu tp still kaler merah meh.. Merah itu pedas.. Hee.. ^,^

Anin suda kenyang ari neh!! Yippi!! Mkn pn byk ari neh.. Opps.. Perut tong lak neh.. Ap anin kesah..? Asalkan anin kenyang.. Hee.. Ala.. Lgpun ari neh je nk kenyang2 pn..

psstt.. Pajeri tu mmg peberet anin.. Hee..

Luv ya! MuahxX!!


Juz shut up!

mata yg menunjukkan kemarahan yg amat..!!! Pui! Pui! Pui!

Salam uols.. Mmg anin tgh geram neh.. Waaarghh!! Abracadabra.... BooOOmm!! Berubah la menjadi hulk! heee.. Geram sih.. Dat gurl msg anin smata2 nk tnye.. Me n my bOy cmne..?? Asking 4 wat reason..?? Tetiba lak tu.. Sowi la eh.. I know wat exactly in ur mind rite now..

Tawu anin jwb ape kat dia.. Me n him juz oke! Mcm tu je la.. Mls nk komen lelebih.. Hee.. Terus mlm neh me jd moody.. Tp moody jap je.. Hee.. Anin jenis tak suka nk huha2 sal my bOy.. Biar menjadi rahsia pn takpe.. Bila da smpai msa t, stu kg anin canang.. Hee.. Hyepp! Itu suda lebeh!! Hee..

Oke anin nak citer lak stu ari neh anin wtpe.. Hee.. Mula2 me kena basuh smua raga2 tuk nak guna masa bln posa nnt.. Hee.. Raga ape..? Raga kueh maa.. Penat giler.. Mcm nk patah je pinggang anin tetonggek2 nk basuh.. Hee..

Then me buat kek batik lak.. Menjadi sih! I love kek batik.. Tp anin lupa nk snap pix kek itu maa.. Huhu! Teruja sgt td.. Takpe2 t da potong anin snap tuk tatapan korg eh.. Hee..

Bln posa t, anin mesti jrg da nk un9.. Sbb nnt cbok la.. Anin tlg tok anin niaga kueh kt bazar ramadan.. Balek t mesti da pnt.. Time bila nk un9 lak tu.. Tp anin akan cuba gak rajin2 kan diri tuk my lovely blog neh.. Hee..

Ekceli da betaOn2 anin tlg tok niaga tiap2 kali bln posa.. Tawu ape yg bes..? Leh tgok mcm2 kerenah pembeli.. N.. N.. N.. Yg plg penting, leh cuci mata maaa... Hee.. Kot2 taOn neh ade abg2 yg baek aty niaga ke.. Cehh!! Suda la anin.. Hg tao nk gatai ja.. Walaweh! Oppss.. Taon neh me still wif someone lagik.. Hee.. So taleh nk cuci mata lelebih.. Mara lak incik kecHiX kang.. Hee..

Oke la uols.. Suda lewat neh.. Nnt ap2 anin hapdet lagik yerk.. Sayang uols.. MuahxX!! Nyte2..

Luv ya! MuahxX!!


Sunday, August 16, 2009

Award dari [ cik Mai ]

Salam uols.. Ari neh anin dpt stu lagi award.. Award neh dtgnya dr [ cik Mai ].. dia kasi award neh sbb nnt dia jarang un9.. Nk amek trial SPM katenyer.. hee.. N mayb award neh smpena bulan Ramadhan yg bakal menjelang kut.. Ape2 pn, thanx ye Mai n gudluck keyh!!

Luv ya! MuahxX!!


Saturday, August 15, 2009

Maken takde selera..

Salam uols.. Uhukkk.. Waaa.. Anin maken takde selera dua tiga ari neh.. Cop2.. Bkn sebab tak sehat ke hape ke.. Tp disebabkan laOk yg mama msk wt anin takde selera..

Oh tidakk!! Skrg neh mama tanak masak pedas2 da.. Smuanya jd laOk org saket je.. Smua takde pedas langsung! Omaigoosshh..! Anin lapaaaar sgt nk mkn bnda2 pedas tp mama kata wt msa neh kena elak dr mkn benda pedas.. Tidakkk..!! Maken lapar la anin mcm neh.. Uwaaa...!!!!

Mcm ari neh mama msk ikan msk kicap ngan sup sayOr2.. Huwaaa!! Nak nanges je mkn.. Smbl blcn takde.. Cili api takde.. TObat lidah anin taleh trima mknan yg tak pedas neh.. Mcm kena kuarantin je neh..

Ais pn mama tak kasi minum.. Tp kan smlm anin curik2 beli teh ais! Haha! Betapa syioknye minum teh ais smlm.. Walaweh.. Siap sorok lam peti ais lagik.. Hee.. Las2 smlm anin terus batOk.. Pdn muka.. Huhu.. Air ais pn da takde lam peti ais.. Huwaaa.. Neh smua gara2 H1N1 la neh.. Cokodok tol! Pui! Pui! Pui!

Bila la leh mkn mcm dulu balek neh.. Huhu.. Adkh anin perlu sorok2 beli mknan pds..? Hee.. Jeng3.. Shuuuhh.. Dediam suda.. ^,^

Luv ya! MuahxX!!


Friday, August 14, 2009

I'm a freaky prep with a hot boyfriend who got stabbed horribly by a homeless guy because i'm a pimp and your jealous!

Tag neh dtgnya dr [ cik caya ] .. Ekceli da lama dia tak wt tag neh.. Hee.. Ari neh dia da smpai seru nk pas2 tag kot.. Hee.. Jgn marah ye darl! Cyg kamoo.. MuahX!

Jom kita usha tag ape yg dia kasi.. Polow me.. Hee.. ^_^

First, add "I'm a/an" on your title, then add the rest of the answers on as you do the questions.
Tag 10 or more people :)

What color/kind of socks are you wearing?
[ ] Red = loud
[ ] Green = stupid
[x] None = freaky
[ ] Fuzzy = gorgeous
[ ] Yellow = innocent
[ ] Purple = a little too happy
[ ]Black = emo
[ ] Stripes = funny
[ ] Gray = skanky
[ ] Pink = preppy
[ ] Light blue = sweaty
[ ] Other = hot
[ ] White = sexy

What kind of pants are you wearing?
[ ]Shorts = cutie
[ ]Skirt/skort = skank
[ ]Corduroy = faggot homosexual
[ ]Tight jeans = scene kid
[ ]Ripped jeans = emo
[ ]Cammo = cage fighter
[x]Jeans = prep
[ ]Pajamas = pimp
[ ]Cargo = clown
[ ]Sweats = athlete
[ ]Boxers = brat
[ ]Booty shorts = female
[ ]Capris = Gangster
[ ]Nothing = hoe
[ ]Dickies = weirdo
[ ]Bikini bottoms = tiki girl
[ ]Other = sex addict

What is your natural hair color?
[ ]Auburn = that every one wants to make out with
[ ]Blonde = with a broken heart
[ ]Black = with a sexy smile
[x]Dark brown = with a hot boyfriend/girlfriend
[ ]Red = that likes to have fun
[ ]Light Brown = who loves to be different
[ ]Dirty blonde= with a nice ass
[ ]Bald = with herpes

Pick the month you were born on:
[ ]1 = who ate
[ ]2 = who needed
[ ]3 = who killed
[ ]4 = who shot
[ ]5 = who killed
[ ]6 = who smoked with
[ ]7 = who banged
[ ]8 = who ran shirtless with
[x]9 = who got stabbed horribly by
[ ]10 = who cuddled with
[ ]11 = who slept with
[ ]12 = who ran naked with

Pick the day you were born on:
[ ]01 = the kool-aid man
[ ]02 = a dog
[ ]03 = a shoe
[ ]04 = a toothbrush
[ ]05 = Santa Claus
[ ]06 = The Trojan man
[ ]07 = Barny the dinosaur
[ ]08 = a prostitute
[ ]09 = a porn star
[ ]10 = a bag of weed
[ ]11 = my lover
[ ]12 = a glass of milk
[ ]13 = a horse
[ ]14 = a lesbian
[ ]15 = a stripper
[ ]16 = a jew
[ ]17 = a pickle
[ ]18 = a homo
[ ]19 = an orange
[ ]20 = my mom
[x]21 = a homeless guy
[ ]22 = a whore
[ ]23 = my crush
[ ]24 = an easter egg
[ ]25 = a jar of honey
[ ]26 = a condom
[ ]27 = a bowl of cereal
[ ]28 = a french fry
[ ]29 = your dealer
[ ]30 = Paris Hilton
[ ]31 = your grandma

Pick the color of the shirt you are wearing
[ ]White = because I love marijuana
[ ]Black = because im sexy as hell
[ ]Pink = Because the lil people told me to
[ ]Blue = because I have AMAZING boobs
[x]Red = because I'm a pimp and your jealous
[ ]Polka Dots = because I hate my life
[ ]Purple = because I'm gay
[ ]Gray = because I got dared
[ ]Other = because that's how I roll
[ ]Green = because I'm good in bed
[ ]Orange = because I smoke crack
[ ]Turquoise = because I have a noodle in my nose
[ ]Brown = because I had to
[ ]Shirtless = because I've got abs

and the 10 person I would like to tag is..
sesapa yg da bca entry neh, wajibulghunnah wt yerk.. hee..

Luv ya! MuahxX!!


Award Cik MikkO..

Salam uols.. Nmpk award kiut miut di atas.. Hee.. Award neh dtgnya dr slh sorg polower anin.. Hee.. Mekaseyh yer [ cik mikkO ] sweet bangat.. Hee..

Cop2.. Sblum tu kena describe cik mikkO in 5 words..

" u such a superb blogger! "

Thanx yeah! Luv u! MuahxX!

Luv ya! MuahxX!!


Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Salam uols.. Huhu.. Why..? Npe eh jd cm neh.... Anin bengong tul la.. Tak suker2.. Terus jd moody jerk.. Adoiyaii..

Mood berterabur terus ari neh.. Tp kan td beshh2.. P psr mlm leh cuci2 mata cket.. Walaweh! Mmg bes larh.. Hee..

Okie la.. Lwt cket anin hapdet laen k.. daaa.. Syg uols.. MuahxX!

Luv ya! MuahxX!!


Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Salam uols.. Arghh!! Ape suda jadi meh..? Oh tidakkk!! Sila tgok pic di bawah.. klik tuk tumbesaran pic yeah..

yg ats tu lepas login.. yg bwh neh lau view ikot link.. arghhh!!

Waaa.. Anin kena on mespes neh.. Adoii.. npe la bleh wt hal lak neh.. Tak penah2 jd cm neh.. Login acc org laen leh plak.. Login acc anin taleh.. nk view guna link pn taleh neh.. Tom2 bak neh kan.. Adoiii!!

Luv ya! MuahxX!!


Monday, August 10, 2009

Lelaki dan maaf

Salam uols.. Kali neh terase nk hapdet lak blog merepek anin neh.. Hee.. Rase nk beletiaq kat cnie lak.. Oke2.. skrg korunk tgok tajuk entry anin kali neh..

Lelaki neh mmg sinonim ngan ayat " maaf " ke..? N bg pendapat anin la kan.. Lelaki bila da melakukan sesuatu yg menyaketkan aty pmpuan, slamber je akn luncur pekataan maaf neh.. Bg dorg, maaf neh pekataan simple ke..? Yes.. Mmg pekataan simple tp mempunyai makna yg besar.. Jgn la jdkan pekataan maaf neh sbg satu sndaran tuk menyelesaikan masalah.. Ini tak.. Slh cket, maaf.. Slh lagik, maaf.. Ko tak penah kenal erti maaf ker..?? Fedap tol.. Dlm pala otak dorg neh mesti dorg pkir.. " ala.. aku wt slh pn, aku mintak maaf je.. setel.. nk maaf ke tak, tepulang.." Bleh ke cmtu..??!

Dorg neh mmg da set lam pala otak dorg " maaf ".. Tak kira la sme ad msa wt slh ke, msa kantoi ke.. Mmg dorg neh sng je mintak maaf.. " maaf la.. sy hrp awk tak simpan dlm aty yerk.." Wat do u mean by " tak simpan dlm aty..? "

Bg anin senang jerk.. i love to forgive but hate to forget.. Tp kdg2 bila si dia mintak maaf, anin akan wt tatao jerk.. Biar dia rasa cket.. Kejam ke..? Alah.. Lantak la.. Kejam2 anin, kejam lagik dia key! Slamber bewok je ko nk mintak maaf kt aku.. Ap ko hengat bnda yg ko wt tu kecik mcm kuman ker..? Excuse me larh! Yes! Mmg aku takde aty prasaan.. Lgpn ape aku kesah kan..? Len kali, ko makan toge byk2.. Kasi pndai..

N ade stu lagik kes.. Pretend to b someone else.. Haha! Len kali, lau nk jd org len, guna otak key?! Ko hengat aku taleh nk detect ke..? Ko login cni ko pura2 jd 'dia' then ko login sna plak.. Ko login yg ko, ko anta komen kat dia pahtu ko login yg dia, ko approved sndirik.. Haha! So spe yg desperate skrg neh..?

Alaaah.. Aku pn kapel tapi tak kecoh2 cam ko.. Ko nk tnjuk stu dunia yg ko neh kapel ke..? Mcm korg jerk yg tao kapel, kitorg neh tatao.. Hampeh jerk.. Ingat! Jgn riak sgt.. Kang tak jd, spe gak yg malu..

Oppsss.. Ape anin melalut neh.. Da larik topik lakss.. Maaf eh.. Emo cket mlm2 neh.. Hee..~~

Luv ya! MuahxX!!


Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Kemalasan menyerang!

Salam uols.. Ari neh kan tatao la npe, anin rase mls sgt2.. Argghhh!! Tidakkkk.. Mmg anin betol2 tatao nk wtpe ari neh.. Nk on9 pn rase mls2 jerk.. Nk tdo rase boink lakk.. Adoii..

Anin nk merepek je larh ari neh.. Actually adik anin da dmam byk ari.. Tp bkn disebabkan H1N1 tu.. huhu.. Terpaksa larh anin jd nurse kat umah 2,3 ari neh.. Huhu..

Fon anin lak anin da antar masuk icu smlm.. Haha! Tinggallah dia ngan doc npon.. Rasenye dlm 2 minggu leh siap kot.. Wat the heaven?? 2 minggu ke..? Adoiii.. Taleh la anin nk gayut ngan incik kecHiX lau cmneh.. Rindu neh...

Sejak2 npon rosak neh, ramai org msg marah2 anin.. Huhu.. Ye larh.. Anin neh jenis malas nk save no lam sim.. Smua no anin campak lam fon je.. Yg ingat cuma no mama, daddy, adik ngan incik kecHiX je.. No org laen mne anin ingat pn.. ( psst.. ekceli anin lemah cket bab2 nk ingat neh.. kuikui..) So dorg marah la bila setiap kali dorg msg, anin mesti tnye "spe neh?" Huhu.. Bkn ape.. Nnt lau mmber2 kamceng msg lau anin wt tatao, kang dorg terase lak kan.. Ape2 pn im sory eh.. Bkn slh anin, slh fon neh hah!

Skrg neh anin pki fon spare.. Fon neh pun stu hal.. Lau org kol, pakat dok lawan hello je larh.. Anin dgr dorg ckp, tp dorg hampeh tak dgr ape anin dok beletiaq sorg2.. Saket aty tol.. Lau anin nk cas fon neh, cas p la sehari smlm pn.. Takdenye dia nk masok.. Tunjuk syarat cas je! Hampeh tol.. Fon neh mau ajar baling kat dinding jer! Hahaha! ketukmejeketukmeje

Rsenye neh je kot anin nk beletiaq ari neh.. Hahaha! Waaa.. Jd mls balek! aroundaround

psst... korg layan je la ape anin post tu eh.. mood tak brape nk center neh.. rindu rindu

Luv ya! MuahxX!!


Urgent neh! Bce tau!



Uit.. Salam uols.. Korg sila lwat [ cnie ]

Actually takde la urgent sgt.. hihi.. tp korunk2 sudi2 ler vote anin eh.. Sehari stu vote je tau.. Sok2 vote lagi eh.. Tak sgka lak anin termasuk lam list T
OP 30 PHOTO PALING CUN.. Hihi.. So tugas korunk2 smua, vote anin tau..


Luv ya! MuahxX!!
